Monday, July 2, 2007

Intro to Blogging, Wikis & WebQuests!

This blog has been designed as a place to discuss the everchanging world of technology in the classrooms using Web/Kid Quests, Blogs and Wikis. Our discussion will take place here.

Question for Discussion/Comment:

* Describe and explain your reaction to the 1st WebQuest competition held in Hong Kong at the Chinese University. After viewing and reading from the Blog/Wiki Links in the left margin of this blog, share your predictions for the year 2011 as a result of this competition and how it could impact our classrooms, students and teachers in the United States.

To comment, simply click below "links to this post", then selcet "post a comment". If you don't see your comment immediately, you will see it once you refresh your browser. We hope you enjoy this interactive format for this week and we also hope you enjoy your experience blogging.

It is easy to create your own blog, try it sometime! You and your students wll be hooked.